I have unashamedly shared my little baby love’s first smiles, oohs, ahhs, coos, and gurgles. This time, please allow me to share how he wails nonstop especially prior to sleeping time.
As we know, babies cry for a variety of reasons. This is their only means of communication to their carers.
In this video image, his Lola tried her best to soothe his tears and exercised her settling skills to no avail. Lola’s dancing and singing prowess went futile! (Note: It’a taking me forever to upload the video at my Youtube Channel. I shall embed the link at a later time once the video has been processed).
Our baby mostly cries when he has reflux episodes, feeling sleepy, hunger pangs, wet nappy, gas pains, and cold weather.
It’s less fuss for him during feeding time because we don’t wait for him to cry before giving him a feed. My husband is extremely good at predetermining the time of milk preparation. As soon as he hears him move quite a bit around the expected feeding time, he immediately prepares to feed him. Crying episodes before sleeping time is usually addressed by tightly cuddling him and singing him to sleep.
My little one can throw such a hissy fit like most babies. It is an incredible challenge for us on how to decode each cries especially that we are brand new parents. It can be truly frustrating but it is a daily learning curve for my husband and I. We immensely enjoy and love the new learning experiences.
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